In the archive of Theater Stap, we can’t a flyer or program booklet of this performance. If someone would find this somewhere, please contact us.
The translation will follow.
Director: Erik Wouters
Music: Flor Verschueren
Light: Eric Decort
Cast: 16 actors from Theater Stap
De Morgen June 1986 1986
Without a real plot, but based on a number of recurring themes, the production holds the attention mostly by its keen structure and because of the way the mentally disabled actors perform, with their artless and unaffected motions. This is theatre in its pure and natural form. Theatre in which 'assuming a pose' - otherwise one of the its key elements, is completely absent.
Gazet van Antwerpen March 1986 1986
The performance is a succession of simple, mostly quiet, but intense motions and gestures, backed up by sober but subtle scenery and lighting.